Cycling Prediction

De Brabantse Pijl 2019 Predictions

The 58th De Brabantse Pijl is the first of a series of hills classics. The 196.2 kilometers long race starts in Leuven and finishes in Overijse and features in total 31 hills to conquer. The predictions for the De Brabantse Pijl can be found in Table 1 and are based on Zweeler game points (so you do not see e.g. probabilities). In the Zweeler game’s riders score points by ending up in the top 25 of a race.

Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey 2019 Predictions

The 55th Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey starts on April 16, 2019. This six-stage tour over 991 kilometers features five hilly stages and one serious mountain stage with a finish on the Kartepe. More race information and historical statistics are available on our race page Table 1 show the predictions for the Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey Zweeler poule. The predictions come with the usual disclaimer:

Paris Roubaix 2019 Predictions

Paris Roubaix is the third monument of the year. The riders have to cover 257 kilometers from Compiègne to Roubaix, 54.5 of those kilometers are cobbles, divided over 29 sectors. The race organization estimates that the total amount of cobbles involved is 6,076,000. Three of the 29 sectors are of the toughest 5-star category. Important: Don’t forget to check out our Paris Roubaix race statistics page

Scheldeprijs 2019 Predictions

Personally, the Scheldeprijs kind of feels like the ‘cooling down’ of the Ronde van Vlaanderen. However, that’s perhaps a bit too little credit for a race that is organized for the 107th time. The race starts in Terneuzen (The Netherlands) and is mainly flat. There is one cobbled sector of 1700 meters that is passed two times. For the rest there are no true obstacles except for perhaps the wind.

Itzulia Basque Country 2019 Predictions

The 59th Itzulia Basque Country was known until 2017 as the Vuelta al Pais Vasco. The race starts with an individual time trial of 11.2 kilometers around Zumarraga. The queen stage from Arrigorriaga to Arrate (about 150km) is on Friday the 12th of April and features 7 categorized climbs. Five out of seven are of the third category, the remaining two are of the first category.

Ronde van Vlaanderen 2019 Predictions

Ronde van Vlaanderen is the ultimate climax of two weeks of racing in Flanders. The monumental race race starts with 80 ‘peaceful’ kilometers until two sectors of cobbles show up. The first hill at 120 kilometers from the start is the Oude Kwaremont. After 256.6 kilometers the riders reach the 17th and final climb of the day: the Paterberg. The last 12 kilometers of the race is more or less flat.

Dwars Door Vlaanderen 2019 Predictions

Dwars door Vlaanderen is the final race in Flanders before the Ronde van Vlaanderen. The Roeselare > Waregem trajectory is 182.8 kilometers in total with the last hill at about 10 kilometers from the finish. In Table 1 you can find our Dwars door Vlaanderen predictions. The predictions are based on Zweeler game points (so you do not see e.g. probabilities). In the Zweeler game’s riders score points by ending up in the top 25 of a race.

Gent Wevelgem 2019 Prediction

We are halfway two weeks of races in Flanders. Next up: Gent-Wevelgem in Flanders Field. This 251.5 kilometers long race features quite some obstacles. Starting with cobbles, hills and most likely quite some dust. Below you can find the predictions for the Gent Wevelgem can be found in Table 1. Our predictions are based on Zweeler game points (so you do not see e.

E3 Binckbank Classic 2019 Prediction

The E3 Binckbank Classic is the second of a sequence of spring classics in Flanders at the World Tour level. Unlike The Driedaagse earlier this week, this is not a sprint stage, but more something for the ‘puncheurs’ in the peloton. For this stage we have a separate page with detailed route maps and elevation profiles. The predictions for the E3 Binckbank Classic can be found in Table 1.

Driedaagse Brugge De Panne 2019 Prediction

The Driedaagse Brugge De Panne is the first of a sequence of five classics in Flanders at the world tour level. The Driedaagse has an impressive startlist of sprinters featuring Viviani, Groenewegen, Gaviria, Kittel and more. With such a field and the supporting teams it is easy to assume that we will see another sprint this Wednesday. However, historically sprint victories are not that common in the Driedaagse.